Control Structures


if construct is one of the most important features of PHPoC. It allows for conditional execution of code fragments.

    $var1 = $var2 = 1;
    if($var1 == $var2)                 // expression is TRUE
      echo "var1 and var2 are equal";  // statement will be executed
var1 and var2 are equal
    $var1 = 1;
    $var2 = 2;
    if($var1 < $var2)
    {                                     // grouping by curly braces
        echo "var1 is smaller than var2";
        echo "\r\nbye!";
    }                                     // grouping by curly braces
var1 is smaller than var2
  • Example of Recursive if
    $var1 = $var2 = 1;
    $var3 = 2;
    if($var1 == $var2)                   // expression is TRUE
      if($var1 < $var3)                  // expression is TRUE
        echo "var1 and var2 are equal";  // statement will be executed