Структуры контроля


break ends execution of the current for, while, do-while or switch structure.

Синтаксис Описание
for( ; ; )
executes stmt and exit iteration and
get out of for loop if expr is TRUE
  for($i = 0; ; $i++)  // infinite loop
    if($i > 10)
      break;           // exit for loop
    echo $i;
  • Option of break
    break accepts an optional numeric argument which tells it how many nested enclosing structures are to be broken out of.
  $j = 1;
  for($i = 0; ; $i++)  // infinite loop(level 1)
    while($j != 0)     // infinite loop(level 2)
      if($j > 10)
        break 2;       // exit for loop as well as while loop
      echo $j;