Получение количества строк в качестве результата
int mysql_num_rows(string $result)
Возврат количества строк в случае успеха, в противном случае возврат -1
include_once "/lib/sn_dns.php"; // include DNS library
include_once "/lib/sn_mysql.php";
$db_name = "testdb"; // database's name to select
// query strings creating or deleting DB, inserting or updating records, and so on.
$query_create_db = "CREATE DATABASE testdb;";
$query_create_table = "CREATE TABLE test_table (id INTEGER NOT NULL, age INTEGER);";
$query_insert_1 = "INSERT INTO test_table (id, age) VALUES ('1', '10');";
$query_insert_2 = "INSERT INTO test_table (id, age) VALUES ('2', '10');";
$query_select = "SELECT * FROM test_table";
$query_drop_table = "DROP TABLE test_table;";
$query_drop_db = "DROP DATABASE testdb;";
$server_addr = ""; // IP address of MySQL server
$user_name = "user_id"; // MySQL ID
$password = "password"; // MySQL password
// connect to a MySQL server
if(mysql_connect($server_addr, $user_name, $password) === false)
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
if(mysql_query($query_create_db) === false) // send a query to make a database
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
if(mysql_select_db($db_name) === false) // select the database
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
if(mysql_query($query_create_table) === false) // send a query to make a table
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
if(mysql_query($query_insert_1) === false) // send a query to insert a record
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
if(mysql_query($query_insert_2) === false) // send a query to insert a record
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
$result = mysql_query($query_select); // send a query to select records
if($result === false)
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); // get the number of rows in result
if($num_rows > 0)
echo "$num_rows recoreds has been detected!\r\n";
if(mysql_query($query_drop_table) === false) // send a query to delete the table
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
if(mysql_query($query_drop_db) === false) // send a query to delete the database
exit(mysql_error()); // print the error message and quit
mysql_close(); // disconnecting from the MySQL server